2017 is formally recognized as the 30th anniversary from the first definition of the Sustainable Development, i.e. satisfaction of the actual needs without compromising the development of the new generations. A worldwide challenge that involves everyone: from single body up to enterprises aimed to promote their products in a more and more green-oriented market.
EMC Innovation Lab supports companies and public sector in the innovation procedure in order to promote continuous improvement and transparency. Through its expert team, EMC offers a set of services aimed to achieve the excellence both in the environmental and economic fields.
Among these, the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD®) represents an international tool to improve communications among the parts of the entire product chain (producers, suppliers and consumers) and pursue the principles of green e circular economy.
The term EPD® refers to a third-type voluntary label (EN ISO 14025:2006) based on the application of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology (EN ISO 14040:2006) to evaluate the environmental performances of products and services subject to certification.
According to ISO 14025, the goal of an EPD® is the promotion on the market of greener products (with lower environmental impacts) and to encourage the procedure of continuous improvement. This is possible only adopting objective and transparent analysis criteria, through which the comparison of different products on the basis of their environmental performances may be carried out.
Therefore EPD® declaration, such as EN ISO 9001, is essential to improve the business-to-business (BtoB) relationship: higher transparency means greater products trust, which facilitates the selection for a national or international contract and project.
In addition, EPD® guarantees a continuous check of the environmental performances of the whole production process by the identification of the major criticalities (higher contribution to the environmental impact). In this way, companies are able to find out the more affordable solutions.
Moreover, the EPD® is formally recognized as valuable tool to verify the Green Public Procurement criteria (GPP). Some examples are: office furniture, toner, buildings, catering and foodstuffs, etc.
Some examples are: office furniture, toner, buildings, catering and foodstuffs, etc.
Finally, EPD® is absolutely in line with the Global Compact, a United Nations initiative to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation.
EMC Innovation Lab guides clients among the entire procedure, from the data collection up to the choice of an independent verificator, ensuring to achieve the certification as quickly as possible with a low cost.
An EPD® declaration could be applied to several sector, such as:
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